Source code for reactpy.testing.logs

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
from import Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from traceback import format_exception
from typing import Any, NoReturn

from reactpy.logging import ROOT_LOGGER

[docs]class LogAssertionError(AssertionError): """An assertion error raised in relation to log messages."""
[docs]@contextmanager def assert_reactpy_did_log( match_message: str = "", error_type: type[Exception] | None = None, match_error: str = "", ) -> Iterator[None]: """Assert that ReactPy produced a log matching the described message or error. Args: match_message: Must match a logged message. error_type: Checks the type of logged exceptions. match_error: Must match an error message. """ message_pattern = re.compile(match_message) error_pattern = re.compile(match_error) with capture_reactpy_logs() as log_records: try: yield None except Exception: raise else: for record in list(log_records): if ( # record message matches message_pattern.findall(record.getMessage()) # error type matches and ( error_type is None or ( record.exc_info is not None and record.exc_info[0] is not None and issubclass(record.exc_info[0], error_type) ) ) # error message pattern matches and ( not match_error or ( record.exc_info is not None and error_pattern.findall( "".join(format_exception(*record.exc_info)) ) ) ) ): break else: # nocov _raise_log_message_error( "Could not find a log record matching the given", match_message, error_type, match_error, )
[docs]@contextmanager def assert_reactpy_did_not_log( match_message: str = "", error_type: type[Exception] | None = None, match_error: str = "", ) -> Iterator[None]: """Assert the inverse of :func:`assert_reactpy_logged`""" try: with assert_reactpy_did_log(match_message, error_type, match_error): yield None except LogAssertionError: pass else: _raise_log_message_error( "Did find a log record matching the given", match_message, error_type, match_error, )
[docs]def list_logged_exceptions( log_records: list[logging.LogRecord], pattern: str = "", types: type[Any] | tuple[type[Any], ...] = Exception, log_level: int = logging.ERROR, del_log_records: bool = True, ) -> list[BaseException]: """Return a list of logged exception matching the given criteria Args: log_level: The level of log to check exclude_exc_types: Any exception types to ignore del_log_records: Whether to delete the log records for yielded exceptions """ found: list[BaseException] = [] compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern) for index, record in enumerate(log_records): if record.levelno >= log_level and record.exc_info: error = record.exc_info[1] if ( error is not None and isinstance(error, types) and ): if del_log_records: del log_records[index - len(found)] found.append(error) return found
[docs]@contextmanager def capture_reactpy_logs() -> Iterator[list[logging.LogRecord]]: """Capture logs from ReactPy Any logs produced in this context are cleared afterwards """ original_level = ROOT_LOGGER.level ROOT_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: if _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR in ROOT_LOGGER.handlers: start_index = len(_LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records) try: yield _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records finally: end_index = len(_LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records) _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records[start_index:end_index] = [] return None ROOT_LOGGER.addHandler(_LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR) try: yield _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records finally: ROOT_LOGGER.removeHandler(_LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR) _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR.records.clear() finally: ROOT_LOGGER.setLevel(original_level)
class _LogRecordCaptor(logging.NullHandler): def __init__(self) -> None: self.records: list[logging.LogRecord] = [] super().__init__() def handle(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool: self.records.append(record) return True _LOG_RECORD_CAPTOR = _LogRecordCaptor() def _raise_log_message_error( prefix: str, match_message: str = "", error_type: type[Exception] | None = None, match_error: str = "", ) -> NoReturn: conditions = [] if match_message: conditions.append(f"log message pattern {match_message!r}") if error_type: conditions.append(f"exception type {error_type}") if match_error: conditions.append(f"error message pattern {match_error!r}") raise LogAssertionError(prefix + " " + " and ".join(conditions))