Running ReactPy#

The simplest way to run ReactPy is with the run() function. This is the method you’ll see used throughout this documentation. However, this executes your application using a development server which is great for testing, but probably not what if you’re deploying in production. Below are some more robust and performant ways of running ReactPy with various supported servers.

Running ReactPy in Production#

The first thing you’ll need to do if you want to run ReactPy in production is choose a backend implementation and follow its documentation on how to create and run an application. This is the backend you probably chose when installing ReactPy. Then you’ll need to configure that application with an ReactPy view. We show the basics of how to set up, and then run, each supported backend below, but all implementations will follow a pattern similar to the following:

from my_chosen_backend import Application

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.my_chosen_backend import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

app = Application()
configure(app, HelloWorld)

You’ll then run this app using an ASGI or WSGI server from the command line.

Running with FastAPI#

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.fastapi import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

app = FastAPI()
configure(app, HelloWorld)

Then assuming you put this in, you can run the app using the Uvicorn ASGI server:

uvicorn main:app

Running with Flask#

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.flask import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

app = Flask(__name__)
configure(app, HelloWorld)

Then assuming you put this in, you can run the app using the Gunicorn WSGI server:

gunicorn main:app

Running with Sanic#

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.sanic import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

app = Sanic("MyApp")
configure(app, HelloWorld)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then assuming you put this in, you can run the app using Sanic’s builtin server:


Running with Starlette#

from starlette.applications import Starlette

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.starlette import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

app = Starlette()
configure(app, HelloWorld)

Then assuming you put this in, you can run the application using the Uvicorn ASGI server:

uvicorn main:app

Running with Tornado#

import tornado.web

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.tornado import configure

def HelloWorld():
    return html.h1("Hello, world!")

def make_app():
    app = tornado.web.Application()
    configure(app, HelloWorld)
    return app

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = make_app()

Tornado is run using it’s own builtin server rather than an external WSGI or ASGI server.

Running ReactPy in Debug Mode#

ReactPy provides a debug mode that is turned off by default. This can be enabled when you run your application by setting the REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE environment variable.



Leave debug mode off in production!

Among other things, running in this mode:

  • Turns on debug log messages

  • Adds checks to ensure the VDOM spec is adhered to

  • Displays error messages that occur within your app

Errors will be displayed where the uppermost component is located in the view:

from reactpy import component, html, run

def App():
    return html.div(GoodComponent(), BadComponent())

def GoodComponent():
    return html.p("This component rendered successfully")

def BadComponent():
    msg = "This component raised an error"
    raise RuntimeError(msg)


Backend Configuration Options#

ReactPy’s various backend implementations come with Options that can be passed to their respective configure() functions in the following way:

from reactpy.backend.<implementation> import configure, Options

configure(app, MyComponent, Options(...))

To learn more read about the options for your chosen backend <implementation>:

Embed in an Existing Webpage#

ReactPy provides a Javascript client called @reactpy/client that can be used to embed ReactPy views within an existing applications. This is actually how the interactive examples throughout this documentation have been created. You can try this out by embedding one the examples from this documentation into your own webpage:

<div id="reactpy-app" />
<script type="module">
  import { mountLayoutWithWebSocket } from "";


For more information on how to use the client see the Javascript API 🚧 reference. Or if you need to, your can write your own backend implementation.

As mentioned though, this is connecting to the server that is hosting this documentation. If you want to connect to a view from your own server, you’ll need to change the URL above to one you provide. One way to do this might be to add to an existing application. Another would be to run ReactPy in an adjacent web server instance that you coordinate with something like NGINX. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume you do something similar to the following in an existing Python app:

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import file

from reactpy import component, html
from reactpy.backend.sanic import Options, configure

app = Sanic("MyApp")

async def index(request):
    return await file("index.html")

def ReactPyView():
    return html.code("This text came from an ReactPy App")

configure(app, ReactPyView, Options(url_prefix="/_reactpy"))"", port=5000)
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Example App</title>
    <h1>This is an Example App</h1>
    <p>Just below is an embedded ReactPy view...</p>
    <div id="reactpy-app" />
    <script type="module">
      import {
      } from "";

      const serverInfo = new LayoutServerInfo({
        host: document.location.hostname,
        port: document.location.port,
        path: "_reactpy",
        query: queryParams.user.toString(),
        secure: document.location.protocol == "https:",


After running python, you should be able to navigate to and see:
