Source code for reactpy.core.hooks

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
from import Coroutine, MutableMapping, Sequence
from logging import getLogger
from types import FunctionType
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from reactpy.backend.types import Connection, Location
from reactpy.config import REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE
from reactpy.core._life_cycle_hook import current_hook
from reactpy.core.types import Context, Key, State, VdomDict
from reactpy.utils import Ref

    # make flake8 think that this variable exists
    ellipsis = type(...)

__all__ = [

logger = getLogger(__name__)

_Type = TypeVar("_Type")

def use_state(initial_value: Callable[[], _Type]) -> State[_Type]: ...

def use_state(initial_value: _Type) -> State[_Type]: ...

[docs]def use_state(initial_value: _Type | Callable[[], _Type]) -> State[_Type]: """See the full :ref:`Use State` docs for details Parameters: initial_value: Defines the initial value of the state. A callable (accepting no arguments) can be used as a constructor function to avoid re-creating the initial value on each render. Returns: A tuple containing the current state and a function to update it. """ current_state = _use_const(lambda: _CurrentState(initial_value)) return State(current_state.value, current_state.dispatch)
class _CurrentState(Generic[_Type]): __slots__ = "value", "dispatch" def __init__( self, initial_value: _Type | Callable[[], _Type], ) -> None: if callable(initial_value): self.value = initial_value() else: self.value = initial_value hook = current_hook() def dispatch(new: _Type | Callable[[_Type], _Type]) -> None: if callable(new): next_value = new(self.value) else: next_value = new if not strictly_equal(next_value, self.value): self.value = next_value hook.schedule_render() self.dispatch = dispatch _EffectCleanFunc: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], None]" _SyncEffectFunc: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], _EffectCleanFunc | None]" _AsyncEffectFunc: TypeAlias = ( "Callable[[], Coroutine[None, None, _EffectCleanFunc | None]]" ) _EffectApplyFunc: TypeAlias = "_SyncEffectFunc | _AsyncEffectFunc" @overload def use_effect( function: None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> Callable[[_EffectApplyFunc], None]: ... @overload def use_effect( function: _EffectApplyFunc, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> None: ...
[docs]def use_effect( function: _EffectApplyFunc | None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> Callable[[_EffectApplyFunc], None] | None: """See the full :ref:`Use Effect` docs for details Parameters: function: Applies the effect and can return a clean-up function dependencies: Dependencies for the effect. The effect will only trigger if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their :func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local variables that are referenced by the given function. Returns: If not function is provided, a decorator. Otherwise ``None``. """ hook = current_hook() dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies) memoize = use_memo(dependencies=dependencies) last_clean_callback: Ref[_EffectCleanFunc | None] = use_ref(None) def add_effect(function: _EffectApplyFunc) -> None: if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function): sync_function = cast(_SyncEffectFunc, function) else: async_function = cast(_AsyncEffectFunc, function) def sync_function() -> _EffectCleanFunc | None: task = asyncio.create_task(async_function()) def clean_future() -> None: if not task.cancel(): try: clean = task.result() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass else: if clean is not None: clean() return clean_future async def effect(stop: asyncio.Event) -> None: if last_clean_callback.current is not None: last_clean_callback.current() last_clean_callback.current = None clean = last_clean_callback.current = sync_function() await stop.wait() if clean is not None: clean() return memoize(lambda: hook.add_effect(effect)) if function is not None: add_effect(function) return None else: return add_effect
[docs]def use_debug_value( message: Any | Callable[[], Any], dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> None: """Log debug information when the given message changes. .. note:: This hook only logs if :data:`~reactpy.config.REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE` is active. Unlike other hooks, a message is considered to have changed if the old and new values are ``!=``. Because this comparison is performed on every render of the component, it may be worth considering the performance cost in some situations. Parameters: message: The value to log or a memoized function for generating the value. dependencies: Dependencies for the memoized function. The message will only be recomputed if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their :func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local variables that are referenced by the given function. """ old: Ref[Any] = _use_const(lambda: Ref(object())) memo_func = message if callable(message) else lambda: message new = use_memo(memo_func, dependencies) if REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE.current and old.current != new: old.current = new logger.debug(f"{current_hook().component} {new}")
[docs]def create_context(default_value: _Type) -> Context[_Type]: """Return a new context type for use in :func:`use_context`""" def context( *children: Any, value: _Type = default_value, key: Key | None = None, ) -> _ContextProvider[_Type]: return _ContextProvider( *children, value=value, key=key, type=context, ) context.__qualname__ = "context" return context
[docs]def use_context(context: Context[_Type]) -> _Type: """Get the current value for the given context type. See the full :ref:`Use Context` docs for more information. """ hook = current_hook() provider = hook.get_context_provider(context) if provider is None: # same assertions but with normal exceptions if not isinstance(context, FunctionType): raise TypeError(f"{context} is not a Context") # nocov if context.__kwdefaults__ is None: raise TypeError(f"{context} has no 'value' kwarg") # nocov if "value" not in context.__kwdefaults__: raise TypeError(f"{context} has no 'value' kwarg") # nocov return cast(_Type, context.__kwdefaults__["value"]) return provider.value
# backend implementations should establish this context at the root of an app ConnectionContext: Context[Connection[Any] | None] = create_context(None)
[docs]def use_connection() -> Connection[Any]: """Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`.""" conn = use_context(ConnectionContext) if conn is None: # nocov msg = "No backend established a connection." raise RuntimeError(msg) return conn
[docs]def use_scope() -> MutableMapping[str, Any]: """Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`'s scope.""" return use_connection().scope
[docs]def use_location() -> Location: """Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`'s location.""" return use_connection().location
class _ContextProvider(Generic[_Type]): def __init__( self, *children: Any, value: _Type, key: Key | None, type: Context[_Type], ) -> None: self.children = children self.key = key self.type = type self.value = value def render(self) -> VdomDict: current_hook().set_context_provider(self) return {"tagName": "", "children": self.children} def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ContextProvider({self.type})" _ActionType = TypeVar("_ActionType")
[docs]def use_reducer( reducer: Callable[[_Type, _ActionType], _Type], initial_value: _Type, ) -> tuple[_Type, Callable[[_ActionType], None]]: """See the full :ref:`Use Reducer` docs for details Parameters: reducer: A function which applies an action to the current state in order to produce the next state. initial_value: The initial state value (same as for :func:`use_state`) Returns: A tuple containing the current state and a function to change it with an action """ state, set_state = use_state(initial_value) return state, _use_const(lambda: _create_dispatcher(reducer, set_state))
def _create_dispatcher( reducer: Callable[[_Type, _ActionType], _Type], set_state: Callable[[Callable[[_Type], _Type]], None], ) -> Callable[[_ActionType], None]: def dispatch(action: _ActionType) -> None: set_state(lambda last_state: reducer(last_state, action)) return dispatch _CallbackFunc = TypeVar("_CallbackFunc", bound=Callable[..., Any]) @overload def use_callback( function: None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> Callable[[_CallbackFunc], _CallbackFunc]: ... @overload def use_callback( function: _CallbackFunc, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> _CallbackFunc: ...
[docs]def use_callback( function: _CallbackFunc | None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> _CallbackFunc | Callable[[_CallbackFunc], _CallbackFunc]: """See the full :ref:`Use Callback` docs for details Parameters: function: The function whose identity will be preserved dependencies: Dependencies of the callback. The identity the ``function`` will be updated if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their :func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local variables that are referenced by the given function. Returns: The current function """ dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies) memoize = use_memo(dependencies=dependencies) def setup(function: _CallbackFunc) -> _CallbackFunc: return memoize(lambda: function) if function is not None: return setup(function) else: return setup
class _LambdaCaller(Protocol): """MyPy doesn't know how to deal with TypeVars only used in function return""" def __call__(self, func: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type: ... @overload def use_memo( function: None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> _LambdaCaller: ... @overload def use_memo( function: Callable[[], _Type], dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> _Type: ...
[docs]def use_memo( function: Callable[[], _Type] | None = None, dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ..., ) -> _Type | Callable[[Callable[[], _Type]], _Type]: """See the full :ref:`Use Memo` docs for details Parameters: function: The function to be memoized. dependencies: Dependencies for the memoized function. The memo will only be recomputed if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their :func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local variables that are referenced by the given function. Returns: The current state """ dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies) memo: _Memo[_Type] = _use_const(_Memo) if memo.empty(): # we need to initialize on the first run changed = True memo.deps = () if dependencies is None else dependencies elif dependencies is None: changed = True memo.deps = () elif ( len(memo.deps) != len(dependencies) # if deps are same length check identity for each item or not all( strictly_equal(current, new) for current, new in zip(memo.deps, dependencies) ) ): memo.deps = dependencies changed = True else: changed = False setup: Callable[[Callable[[], _Type]], _Type] if changed: def setup(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type: current_value = memo.value = function() return current_value else: def setup(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type: return memo.value if function is not None: return setup(function) else: return setup
class _Memo(Generic[_Type]): """Simple object for storing memoization data""" __slots__ = "value", "deps" value: _Type deps: Sequence[Any] def empty(self) -> bool: try: self.value # noqa: B018 except AttributeError: return True else: return False
[docs]def use_ref(initial_value: _Type) -> Ref[_Type]: """See the full :ref:`Use State` docs for details Parameters: initial_value: The value initially assigned to the reference. Returns: A :class:`Ref` object. """ return _use_const(lambda: Ref(initial_value))
def _use_const(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type: return current_hook().use_state(function) def _try_to_infer_closure_values( func: Callable[..., Any] | None, values: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None, ) -> Sequence[Any] | None: if values is ...: if isinstance(func, FunctionType): return ( [cell.cell_contents for cell in func.__closure__] if func.__closure__ else [] ) else: return None else: return values
[docs]def strictly_equal(x: Any, y: Any) -> bool: """Check if two values are identical or, for a limited set or types, equal. Only the following types are checked for equality rather than identity: - ``int`` - ``float`` - ``complex`` - ``str`` - ``bytes`` - ``bytearray`` - ``memoryview`` """ # Return early if the objects are not the same type if type(x) is not type(y): return False # Compare the source code of lambda and local functions if ( hasattr(x, "__qualname__") and ("<lambda>" in x.__qualname__ or "<locals>" in x.__qualname__) and hasattr(x, "__code__") ): if x.__qualname__ != y.__qualname__: return False return all( getattr(x.__code__, attr) == getattr(y.__code__, attr) for attr in dir(x.__code__) if attr.startswith("co_") and attr not in {"co_positions", "co_linetable", "co_lines"} ) # Check via the `==` operator if possible if hasattr(x, "__eq__"): with contextlib.suppress(Exception): return x == y # type: ignore # Fallback to identity check return x is y