from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import contextlib
from import Coroutine, MutableMapping, Sequence
from logging import getLogger
from types import FunctionType
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from reactpy.backend.types import Connection, Location
from reactpy.config import REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE
from reactpy.core._life_cycle_hook import current_hook
from reactpy.core.types import Context, Key, State, VdomDict
from reactpy.utils import Ref
# make flake8 think that this variable exists
ellipsis = type(...)
__all__ = [
logger = getLogger(__name__)
_Type = TypeVar("_Type")
def use_state(initial_value: Callable[[], _Type]) -> State[_Type]: ...
def use_state(initial_value: _Type) -> State[_Type]: ...
[docs]def use_state(initial_value: _Type | Callable[[], _Type]) -> State[_Type]:
"""See the full :ref:`Use State` docs for details
Defines the initial value of the state. A callable (accepting no arguments)
can be used as a constructor function to avoid re-creating the initial value
on each render.
A tuple containing the current state and a function to update it.
current_state = _use_const(lambda: _CurrentState(initial_value))
return State(current_state.value, current_state.dispatch)
class _CurrentState(Generic[_Type]):
__slots__ = "value", "dispatch"
def __init__(
initial_value: _Type | Callable[[], _Type],
) -> None:
if callable(initial_value):
self.value = initial_value()
self.value = initial_value
hook = current_hook()
def dispatch(new: _Type | Callable[[_Type], _Type]) -> None:
if callable(new):
next_value = new(self.value)
next_value = new
if not strictly_equal(next_value, self.value):
self.value = next_value
self.dispatch = dispatch
_EffectCleanFunc: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], None]"
_SyncEffectFunc: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], _EffectCleanFunc | None]"
_AsyncEffectFunc: TypeAlias = (
"Callable[[], Coroutine[None, None, _EffectCleanFunc | None]]"
_EffectApplyFunc: TypeAlias = "_SyncEffectFunc | _AsyncEffectFunc"
def use_effect(
function: None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> Callable[[_EffectApplyFunc], None]: ...
def use_effect(
function: _EffectApplyFunc,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> None: ...
[docs]def use_effect(
function: _EffectApplyFunc | None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> Callable[[_EffectApplyFunc], None] | None:
"""See the full :ref:`Use Effect` docs for details
Applies the effect and can return a clean-up function
Dependencies for the effect. The effect will only trigger if the identity
of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their :func:`id` is
different). By default these are inferred based on local variables that are
referenced by the given function.
If not function is provided, a decorator. Otherwise ``None``.
hook = current_hook()
dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies)
memoize = use_memo(dependencies=dependencies)
last_clean_callback: Ref[_EffectCleanFunc | None] = use_ref(None)
def add_effect(function: _EffectApplyFunc) -> None:
if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function):
sync_function = cast(_SyncEffectFunc, function)
async_function = cast(_AsyncEffectFunc, function)
def sync_function() -> _EffectCleanFunc | None:
task = asyncio.create_task(async_function())
def clean_future() -> None:
if not task.cancel():
clean = task.result()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
if clean is not None:
return clean_future
async def effect(stop: asyncio.Event) -> None:
if last_clean_callback.current is not None:
last_clean_callback.current = None
clean = last_clean_callback.current = sync_function()
await stop.wait()
if clean is not None:
return memoize(lambda: hook.add_effect(effect))
if function is not None:
return None
return add_effect
[docs]def use_debug_value(
message: Any | Callable[[], Any],
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> None:
"""Log debug information when the given message changes.
.. note::
This hook only logs if :data:`~reactpy.config.REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE` is active.
Unlike other hooks, a message is considered to have changed if the old and new
values are ``!=``. Because this comparison is performed on every render of the
component, it may be worth considering the performance cost in some situations.
The value to log or a memoized function for generating the value.
Dependencies for the memoized function. The message will only be recomputed
if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their
:func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local
variables that are referenced by the given function.
old: Ref[Any] = _use_const(lambda: Ref(object()))
memo_func = message if callable(message) else lambda: message
new = use_memo(memo_func, dependencies)
if REACTPY_DEBUG_MODE.current and old.current != new:
old.current = new
logger.debug(f"{current_hook().component} {new}")
[docs]def create_context(default_value: _Type) -> Context[_Type]:
"""Return a new context type for use in :func:`use_context`"""
def context(
*children: Any,
value: _Type = default_value,
key: Key | None = None,
) -> _ContextProvider[_Type]:
return _ContextProvider(
context.__qualname__ = "context"
return context
[docs]def use_context(context: Context[_Type]) -> _Type:
"""Get the current value for the given context type.
See the full :ref:`Use Context` docs for more information.
hook = current_hook()
provider = hook.get_context_provider(context)
if provider is None:
# same assertions but with normal exceptions
if not isinstance(context, FunctionType):
raise TypeError(f"{context} is not a Context") # nocov
if context.__kwdefaults__ is None:
raise TypeError(f"{context} has no 'value' kwarg") # nocov
if "value" not in context.__kwdefaults__:
raise TypeError(f"{context} has no 'value' kwarg") # nocov
return cast(_Type, context.__kwdefaults__["value"])
return provider.value
# backend implementations should establish this context at the root of an app
ConnectionContext: Context[Connection[Any] | None] = create_context(None)
[docs]def use_connection() -> Connection[Any]:
"""Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`."""
conn = use_context(ConnectionContext)
if conn is None: # nocov
msg = "No backend established a connection."
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return conn
[docs]def use_scope() -> MutableMapping[str, Any]:
"""Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`'s scope."""
return use_connection().scope
[docs]def use_location() -> Location:
"""Get the current :class:`~reactpy.backend.types.Connection`'s location."""
return use_connection().location
class _ContextProvider(Generic[_Type]):
def __init__(
*children: Any,
value: _Type,
key: Key | None,
type: Context[_Type],
) -> None:
self.children = children
self.key = key
self.type = type
self.value = value
def render(self) -> VdomDict:
return {"tagName": "", "children": self.children}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"ContextProvider({self.type})"
_ActionType = TypeVar("_ActionType")
[docs]def use_reducer(
reducer: Callable[[_Type, _ActionType], _Type],
initial_value: _Type,
) -> tuple[_Type, Callable[[_ActionType], None]]:
"""See the full :ref:`Use Reducer` docs for details
A function which applies an action to the current state in order to
produce the next state.
The initial state value (same as for :func:`use_state`)
A tuple containing the current state and a function to change it with an action
state, set_state = use_state(initial_value)
return state, _use_const(lambda: _create_dispatcher(reducer, set_state))
def _create_dispatcher(
reducer: Callable[[_Type, _ActionType], _Type],
set_state: Callable[[Callable[[_Type], _Type]], None],
) -> Callable[[_ActionType], None]:
def dispatch(action: _ActionType) -> None:
set_state(lambda last_state: reducer(last_state, action))
return dispatch
_CallbackFunc = TypeVar("_CallbackFunc", bound=Callable[..., Any])
def use_callback(
function: None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> Callable[[_CallbackFunc], _CallbackFunc]: ...
def use_callback(
function: _CallbackFunc,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> _CallbackFunc: ...
[docs]def use_callback(
function: _CallbackFunc | None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> _CallbackFunc | Callable[[_CallbackFunc], _CallbackFunc]:
"""See the full :ref:`Use Callback` docs for details
The function whose identity will be preserved
Dependencies of the callback. The identity the ``function`` will be updated
if the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their
:func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local
variables that are referenced by the given function.
The current function
dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies)
memoize = use_memo(dependencies=dependencies)
def setup(function: _CallbackFunc) -> _CallbackFunc:
return memoize(lambda: function)
if function is not None:
return setup(function)
return setup
class _LambdaCaller(Protocol):
"""MyPy doesn't know how to deal with TypeVars only used in function return"""
def __call__(self, func: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type: ...
def use_memo(
function: None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> _LambdaCaller: ...
def use_memo(
function: Callable[[], _Type],
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> _Type: ...
[docs]def use_memo(
function: Callable[[], _Type] | None = None,
dependencies: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None = ...,
) -> _Type | Callable[[Callable[[], _Type]], _Type]:
"""See the full :ref:`Use Memo` docs for details
The function to be memoized.
Dependencies for the memoized function. The memo will only be recomputed if
the identity of any value in the given sequence changes (i.e. their
:func:`id` is different). By default these are inferred based on local
variables that are referenced by the given function.
The current state
dependencies = _try_to_infer_closure_values(function, dependencies)
memo: _Memo[_Type] = _use_const(_Memo)
if memo.empty():
# we need to initialize on the first run
changed = True
memo.deps = () if dependencies is None else dependencies
elif dependencies is None:
changed = True
memo.deps = ()
elif (
len(memo.deps) != len(dependencies)
# if deps are same length check identity for each item
or not all(
strictly_equal(current, new)
for current, new in zip(memo.deps, dependencies)
memo.deps = dependencies
changed = True
changed = False
setup: Callable[[Callable[[], _Type]], _Type]
if changed:
def setup(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type:
current_value = memo.value = function()
return current_value
def setup(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type:
return memo.value
if function is not None:
return setup(function)
return setup
class _Memo(Generic[_Type]):
"""Simple object for storing memoization data"""
__slots__ = "value", "deps"
value: _Type
deps: Sequence[Any]
def empty(self) -> bool:
self.value # noqa: B018
except AttributeError:
return True
return False
[docs]def use_ref(initial_value: _Type) -> Ref[_Type]:
"""See the full :ref:`Use State` docs for details
initial_value: The value initially assigned to the reference.
A :class:`Ref` object.
return _use_const(lambda: Ref(initial_value))
def _use_const(function: Callable[[], _Type]) -> _Type:
return current_hook().use_state(function)
def _try_to_infer_closure_values(
func: Callable[..., Any] | None,
values: Sequence[Any] | ellipsis | None,
) -> Sequence[Any] | None:
if values is ...:
if isinstance(func, FunctionType):
return (
[cell.cell_contents for cell in func.__closure__]
if func.__closure__
else []
return None
return values
[docs]def strictly_equal(x: Any, y: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if two values are identical or, for a limited set or types, equal.
Only the following types are checked for equality rather than identity:
- ``int``
- ``float``
- ``complex``
- ``str``
- ``bytes``
- ``bytearray``
- ``memoryview``
# Return early if the objects are not the same type
if type(x) is not type(y):
return False
# Compare the source code of lambda and local functions
if (
hasattr(x, "__qualname__")
and ("<lambda>" in x.__qualname__ or "<locals>" in x.__qualname__)
and hasattr(x, "__code__")
if x.__qualname__ != y.__qualname__:
return False
return all(
getattr(x.__code__, attr) == getattr(y.__code__, attr)
for attr in dir(x.__code__)
if attr.startswith("co_")
and attr not in {"co_positions", "co_linetable", "co_lines"}
# Check via the `==` operator if possible
if hasattr(x, "__eq__"):
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
return x == y # type: ignore
# Fallback to identity check
return x is y