Source code for reactpy.backend.flask

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import json
import logging
import os
from asyncio import Queue as AsyncQueue
from dataclasses import dataclass
from queue import Queue as ThreadQueue
from threading import Event as ThreadEvent
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Callable, NamedTuple, NoReturn, cast

from flask import (
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask_sock import Sock
from simple_websocket import Server as WebSocket
from werkzeug.serving import BaseWSGIServer, make_server

import reactpy
from reactpy.backend._common import (
from reactpy.backend.hooks import ConnectionContext
from reactpy.backend.hooks import use_connection as _use_connection
from reactpy.backend.types import Connection, Location
from reactpy.core.serve import serve_layout
from reactpy.core.types import ComponentType, RootComponentConstructor
from reactpy.utils import Ref

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# BackendType.Options
[docs]@dataclass class Options(CommonOptions): """Render server config for :func:`reactpy.backend.flask.configure`""" cors: bool | dict[str, Any] = False """Enable or configure Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) For more information see docs for ``flask_cors.CORS`` """
# BackendType.configure
[docs]def configure( app: Flask, component: RootComponentConstructor, options: Options | None = None ) -> None: """Configure the necessary ReactPy routes on the given app. Parameters: app: An application instance component: A component constructor options: Options for configuring server behavior """ options = options or Options() api_bp = Blueprint(f"reactpy_api_{id(app)}", __name__, url_prefix=str(PATH_PREFIX)) spa_bp = Blueprint( f"reactpy_spa_{id(app)}", __name__, url_prefix=options.url_prefix ) _setup_single_view_dispatcher_route(api_bp, options, component) _setup_common_routes(api_bp, spa_bp, options) app.register_blueprint(api_bp) app.register_blueprint(spa_bp)
# BackendType.create_development_app
[docs]def create_development_app() -> Flask: """Create an application instance for development purposes""" os.environ["FLASK_DEBUG"] = "true" return Flask(__name__)
# BackendType.serve_development_app
[docs]async def serve_development_app( app: Flask, host: str, port: int, started: asyncio.Event | None = None, ) -> None: """Run a development server for FastAPI""" loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() stopped = asyncio.Event() server: Ref[BaseWSGIServer] = Ref() def run_server() -> None: server.current = make_server(host, port, app, threaded=True) if started: loop.call_soon_threadsafe(started.set) try: server.current.serve_forever() # type: ignore finally: loop.call_soon_threadsafe(stopped.set) thread = Thread(target=run_server, daemon=True) thread.start() if started: await started.wait() try: await stopped.wait() finally: # we may have exited because this task was cancelled server.current.shutdown() # the thread should eventually join thread.join(timeout=3) # just double check it happened if thread.is_alive(): # nocov msg = "Failed to shutdown server." raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs]def use_websocket() -> WebSocket: """A handle to the current websocket""" return use_connection().carrier.websocket
[docs]def use_request() -> Request: """Get the current ``Request``""" return use_connection().carrier.request
[docs]def use_connection() -> Connection[_FlaskCarrier]: """Get the current :class:`Connection`""" conn = _use_connection() if not isinstance(conn.carrier, _FlaskCarrier): # nocov msg = f"Connection has unexpected carrier {conn.carrier}. Are you running with a Flask server?" raise TypeError(msg) return conn
def _setup_common_routes( api_blueprint: Blueprint, spa_blueprint: Blueprint, options: Options, ) -> None: cors_options = options.cors if cors_options: # nocov cors_params = cors_options if isinstance(cors_options, dict) else {} CORS(api_blueprint, **cors_params) @api_blueprint.route(f"/{}/<path:path>") def send_assets_dir(path: str = "") -> Any: return send_file(safe_client_build_dir_path(f"assets/{path}")) @api_blueprint.route(f"/{}/<path:path>") def send_modules_dir(path: str = "") -> Any: return send_file(safe_web_modules_dir_path(path), mimetype="text/javascript") index_html = read_client_index_html(options) if options.serve_index_route: @spa_blueprint.route("/") @spa_blueprint.route("/<path:_>") def send_client_dir(_: str = "") -> Any: return index_html def _setup_single_view_dispatcher_route( api_blueprint: Blueprint, options: Options, constructor: RootComponentConstructor ) -> None: sock = Sock(api_blueprint) def model_stream(ws: WebSocket, path: str = "") -> None: def send(value: Any) -> None: ws.send(json.dumps(value)) def recv() -> Any: return json.loads(ws.receive()) _dispatch_in_thread( ws, # remove any url prefix from path path[len(options.url_prefix) :], constructor(), send, recv, ) sock.route(, endpoint="without_path")(model_stream) sock.route(f"{}/<path:path>", endpoint="with_path")(model_stream) def _dispatch_in_thread( websocket: WebSocket, path: str, component: ComponentType, send: Callable[[Any], None], recv: Callable[[], Any | None], ) -> NoReturn: dispatch_thread_info_created = ThreadEvent() dispatch_thread_info_ref: reactpy.Ref[_DispatcherThreadInfo | None] = reactpy.Ref( None ) @copy_current_request_context def run_dispatcher() -> None: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) thread_send_queue: ThreadQueue[Any] = ThreadQueue() async_recv_queue: AsyncQueue[Any] = AsyncQueue() async def send_coro(value: Any) -> None: thread_send_queue.put(value) async def main() -> None: search = request.query_string.decode() await serve_layout( reactpy.Layout( ConnectionContext( component, value=Connection( scope=request.environ, location=Location( pathname=f"/{path}", search=f"?{search}" if search else "", ), carrier=_FlaskCarrier(request, websocket), ), ), ), send_coro, async_recv_queue.get, ) main_future = asyncio.ensure_future(main(), loop=loop) dispatch_thread_info_ref.current = _DispatcherThreadInfo( dispatch_loop=loop, dispatch_future=main_future, thread_send_queue=thread_send_queue, async_recv_queue=async_recv_queue, ) dispatch_thread_info_created.set() loop.run_until_complete(main_future) Thread(target=run_dispatcher, daemon=True).start() dispatch_thread_info_created.wait() dispatch_thread_info = cast(_DispatcherThreadInfo, dispatch_thread_info_ref.current) if dispatch_thread_info is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to create dispatcher thread") # nocov stop = ThreadEvent() def run_send() -> None: while not stop.is_set(): send(dispatch_thread_info.thread_send_queue.get()) Thread(target=run_send, daemon=True).start() try: while True: value = recv() dispatch_thread_info.dispatch_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( dispatch_thread_info.async_recv_queue.put_nowait, value ) finally: # nocov dispatch_thread_info.dispatch_loop.call_soon_threadsafe( dispatch_thread_info.dispatch_future.cancel ) class _DispatcherThreadInfo(NamedTuple): dispatch_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop dispatch_future: asyncio.Future[Any] thread_send_queue: ThreadQueue[Any] async_recv_queue: AsyncQueue[Any] @dataclass class _FlaskCarrier: """A simple wrapper for holding a Flask request and WebSocket""" request: Request """The current request object""" websocket: WebSocket """A handle to the current websocket"""